Podczas otwartej sesji uczestnicy maj± mo¿liwo¶æ poznania zasad Design Management w praktyce pod okiem Kathryn Best, ¶wiatowej s³awy specjalistki w tej dziedzinie. Sesja zakoñczy siê prezentacj± wyników projektu oraz konferencj± dla organizacji zwi±zanych z designem, które poszukuj± wspólnych obszarów wspó³pracy w przysz³ych projektach finansowanych w ramach programu 2014-2020.
Prelegenci: Pete Kercher, Zuzanna Skalska, Martin Riber Andersen, Ralph Talmont.
Program: www.design-eship.eu
Ca³o¶æ wydarzenia odbywa siê w jêzyku angielskim.
Tuesday 09th July 2014
14:45 - 15:45 Part 1 - Introduction to Design Management phases and process
Prelegent: Kathryn Best
21:00 – 22:30 Film show “Urbanized” – Gdynia Design Days Terminal
Wednesday 09th July 2014
09:15 – 10:15 Part 2 - Design management – Interdisciplinarity
Prelegent: Zuzanna Skalska
12:45 – 13:45 Part 3 - Design management – using the knowledge of a designer – concept development – Understand/ Observe/ Define a problem/ Prototype
Prelegent: Martin Riber Andersen
19:00 Part 4 - Short introduction to the implementation of new technologies
Prelegents: Gdansk University of Technology experts
Ksenia Pi±tkowska, Piotr Czy¿, Anna Grajper
21:00 – 22:30 Film show “Objectified” - Gdynia Design Days Terminal
Thursday 10th July 2014
09:15 – 10:00 Part 5 – Lecture - Design management –Strategic management of the work structure - Scope of the project/ Budget/ Target group – User needs/ Available resources
Prelegent: Pete Kercher
13:00 – 14:30 Part 6 - Design management – Implementation phase - Protype/ Test – Group work on presentations
Prelegent: Jenny Fossum, Lina Öhlund Karboub - True Creative
21:00 – 22:30 Film show “Helvetica” - Gdynia Design Days Terminal
Friday 11th July 2014
12:00 – 12:45 Part 7 – What is a good presentation/ Introduction to communicating your idea to the public/ Art of verirfication of generated ideas
Prelegent: Ralph Talmont